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Soil Technical and Mechanical Laboratory CompanyIntroducing the province

Introducing Golestan province
Golestan province is one of the northern provinces of Iran, which became an independent province named Golestan in 1376, and Gorgan city was chosen as its center. It has a land and sea border with Turkmenistan from the north (340 km land border and 90 km water border), Semnan province from the south, Mazandaran province and the Caspian Sea from the west, and North Khorasan province from the east. The communication routes of this province are connected to Mazandaran, Semnan and Tehran through the railway and highway, and through the highway to North Khorasan and Mashhad.
Introduction of laboratory centers of the province

Introduction to Golestan Laboratory
The laboratory of Golestan Province started working independently in 1978 at the same time as the Governor General of Gorgan from Mazandaran Province, although before 1978 it covered the construction projects of the region as a branch of Mazandaran Province. Located in construction projects in Golestan province, it is even older than Mazandaran province and dates back to 1340, which is about 49 years ago.
The latest news of Golestan
گزارش تصویری تقدیر از برترین فعالان حفظ و نگهداری مامورسراهای شرکت آزمایشگاه فنی و مکانیک خاک در آستانه نوروز 1404

مجید کیانپور: توسعه همه جانبه شرکت آزمایشگاه فنی و مکانیک خاک، جهش در ارتقاء کیفیت پروژه های عمرانی را رقم زد
تحقق برنامه های مالی سال 1403 و انجام تمامی تعهدات و تکالیف دولت، جهش بزرگ شرکت آزمایشگاه فنی و مکانیک خاک در شفافیت مالی

شرکت آزمایشگاه فنی و مکانیک خاک برگزار میکند: برگزاری وبینار آموزشی " آشنایی با روشهای مدیریت روسازی معابر درون شهری"