Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development
Appointments of technical laboratory and soil mechanics 2024-11-18 00:03:59

New Appointment in Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company


By the decree of the Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company, the position of Chief Accountant and Director of Financial Affairs of the company has been assigned.

According to the Public Relations Department of the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company, in a ceremony to honor and appoint the Chief Accountant and Director of Financial Affairs, Naser Khakipour was appreciated for his efforts, and by the decree of Majid Kianpour, the Chairman of the Board and CEO of the company, Shahram Jomeh Khalidi was appointed to the position of Chief Accountant and Director of Financial Affairs of the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company.

In Majid Kianpour's decree to Shahram Jomeh Khalidi, it is stated:

Considering the approval of the Deputy of National Treasury and Treasury Affairs and your esteemed expertise and commitment, you are hereby appointed to the position of Chief Accountant and Director of Financial Affairs of the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company.

It is hoped that with reliance on Almighty God and utilizing your experience and expertise, and with proper planning and continuous supervision over the affairs, you will be successful and supportive in serving the holy system of the Islamic Republic, the noble and self-sacrificing people of Iran, as well as the goals of the company and the assigned duties.