Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development

Company History

2017-04-15 09:34:30 | introduction of a company | ID : 2299 | Visit : 13224

Company History


Quality control encompasses all activities and executive techniques aimed at achieving the specified quality criteria. Civil structures and construction projects must be executed based on the design to ensure their efficiency and quality throughout their lifespan, providing the necessary safety and resistance against external loads, wind, earthquake, and floods to ensure the safety and comfort of users.

One of the main objectives of quality control in construction is to prevent wastage of resources and capital, which can be achieved by identifying the required parameters of structural design and comparing and aligning material properties with the necessary technical standards and specifications.

The Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company is the largest quality control company in the country, operating in the field of infrastructure, housing, and transportation projects. While being involved in infrastructure and housing projects as a quality control entity, the company also actively participates in other civil projects. Its vital mission includes ensuring the quality control of consumable materials, the execution process, and the assessment of constructed structures through various destructive and non-destructive testing.

To achieve its sensitive goals and missions, the company requires an independent and well-defined plan and approach. By aligning with the country's development policies and programs, the company aims to play an active and influential role in improving the quality level of civil projects.


Introduction and History of the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company:

The Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company began its activities in 1955 under the name "Jan & Molam Consulting Engineers" to conduct research and study on Iranian soils for main road construction, operating as the "Soil Laboratory" at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran. After two years, the laboratory continued its work for another year under the supervision of the Planning Organization in collaboration with Aman And Whitney Company. Subsequently, it started operating directly under the Planning Organization with new responsibilities and duties.

In 1963, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 4296, the name was changed to "Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory." Due to its extensive involvement in civil and road construction projects and other related initiatives under the Ministry of Roads and Transportation, it was transferred to the Ministry of Roads and Transportation in 1971 under the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 144914, with the name "Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory."

In 1984, the company's articles of association were approved by the Islamic Consultative Assembly and confirmed by the esteemed Guardian Council, under the name "Joint Stock Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory Company."


Main Activities of the Company:

  • Study of the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties of soils, construction materials, and structures.
  • Selection and determination of appropriate methods for conducting relevant tests.
  • Technical testing and control of civil construction projects during execution.
  • Design and implementation of training programs in line with national and international standards, aimed at complementing the organization's staff and meeting the needs of other institutions, laboratories, and companies.
  • Calculation, study, design, supervision, and consultation in the fields of soil and rock mechanics, geotechnics, and roads.
  • Development of related standards in cooperation with the Institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran.
  • Conducting applied scientific research and studies.
  • Collaboration and exchange of information and new methods with domestic and international scientific resources.
  • Acting as the executive arm of the employer to evaluate non-conformance tests and participating in temporary delivery committees.
  • Supervision of private laboratories for project quality control, equipment calibration, and compliance with standards.
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