Visiting secondary school students of Shahid Najabt High School to the soil technical and mechanical laboratory of North Khorasan province

2024-12-22 12:35:48 | News | ID : 3629 | Visit : 46

Visiting secondary school students of Shahid Najabt High School to the soil technical and mechanical laboratory of North Khorasan province

2nd secondary female students of Shahid Najabet High School visited the soil technical and mechanical laboratory of North Khorasan province. In order to introduce as much as possible the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory and familiarize the citizens with the missions and capabilities of the laboratory in the province, it has been facilitated for students to visit the Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory. In this regard, the first group of students who visited the high school in the new year witnessed decency and visited different parts of it. during the visit; Engineer Mahmoud Ainabadi, Technical Deputy of Provincial Laboratory, provided necessary and useful explanations during the visit. Then a concrete sample and a rebar sample were tested for the visitors.

Public Relations of the Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory of North Khorasan Province

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