ذخیره کردن ترجمه Director General of Housing Foundation of Kermanshah Province: In order to build high-quality national housing, the presence of the soil mechanics laboratory of the province is felt.

2025-02-23 23:07:48 | ID : 2146 | Visit : 262

ذخیره کردن ترجمه Director General of Housing Foundation of Kermanshah Province: In order to build high-quality national housing, the presence of the soil mechanics laboratory of the province is felt.

Director General of Housing Foundation of Kermanshah Province: In order to build high-quality national housing, the presence of the soil mechanics laboratory of the province is felt.
On the 13th of June 1411, the management of Kermanshah province laboratory, present at the head office of Kermanshah province housing foundation, prepared to participate in national housing projects, as the oldest and most equipped company providing engineering services in geotechnical studies and quality control in Kermanshah province was announced
In this meeting, Engineer Cheraghi announced that due to the inherent responsibility of the company, we are ready with all the facilities to increase the performance quality as much as possible by participating in this national project with the presence of our experts.
Engineer Khodaday of Kermanshah Foundation Foundation, while being pleased with the announcement of the presence of the provincial laboratory, announced that the presence of the laboratory of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development will increase the quality of the national project.

At the end of this meeting, the Director General of the Provincial Housing Foundation, while promising the participation of the provincial laboratory in the national housing projects and Hadi plans to pay the company's claims, also ordered the cooperation of his other deputies.

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