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Rock Mechanics Tests- Theoretical Aspects and Standards

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This book, authored by Dr. Ahmad Fahimifar and published by Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory, contains 18 chapters, in each chapter the method or methods of determining one of the characteristics of rock engineering such as moisture percentage , density, porosity, durability, resistance and deformation parameters, permeability, creep, etc. are stated. At the beginning of each chapter, a history of the studies and theoretical foundations related to the test and then various methods of their implementation based on valid standards, which are mainly ISRM . and ASTM, are   presented. Also, the book contains 8 appendices regarding things such as identification of stones and minerals, storage and transportation methods of rock core samples, instructions for using significant figures for geotechnical data, etc. And also Persian to English and English to Persian glossaries.

Product Details

  • Book's Name
    Rock Mechanics Tests- Theoretical Aspects and Standards
  • Author
    Ahmad Fahimifar
  • Publisher
    Technical and Soil Mechanics Laboratory
  • ISBN
  • Year of Publishing
  • Edition
    Second Edition
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