Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development
transparency 2024-04-14 14:17:37
  • Publish useful information for businesses
  1. General conditions of consulting service contracts
  2. Regulations for the purchase of consulting services 
  3. List of laboratory services
  4. The process of providing laboratory services to the customer
  5. Tariff for geotechnical services and material resistance in 1401


  • Publication of information on the annual cost of the device

      1 - annual expenditure information


  • Publishing details related to contracts

       1- List of income contracts

       2- List of cost contracts 


  • Publish the list of tenders and auctions

           1- List of tenders of 1401          

           2- List of auctions in 1401 


  • Publication of the list of permissions granted by the device

       Due to the nature of this company's activities, there is currently no license within the scope of authority.