Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development
Non-operating defense of soil technical and mechanical laboratory 2024-10-27 01:05:52
Passive Defense

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What is non-active defense?

Any unarmed action that reduces the vulnerability of manpower, buildings, facilities, equipment, documents and arteries of the country against hostile and destructive operations of the enemy is called passive defense.
In simpler terms, passive defense is a set of measures that are taken to minimize possible losses in the event of a war.
The purpose of implementing passive defense plans is to reduce the vulnerability of manpower and vital, sensitive and important equipment of the country despite the hostile and destructive attacks of the enemy and the continuity of infrastructure activities and services and to provide vital needs and the continuation of the country's administration in critical conditions caused by war.
As a simple example, passive defense can be referred to as camouflage, hiding, and creating shelter for important and strategic facilities.
In the defense of the agent, only the armed forces are responsible. While in passive defense, all institutions, forces, organizations, industries and even ordinary people can take an effective role.


Objectives of non-operating defense

· Immunization of vital, sensitive and important centers.
· Quantitative and qualitative development of specialized human resources.
Improving the ability to survive and maintain the country in crisis conditions.
Increasing the threshold of national resistance and strengthening the components of resistance against threats.
Cultivation and creation of public belief about the effect of non-agent defense in reducing vulnerability.
Obtaining sustainable security in the development and stabilization of the country's critical infrastructure.
Research and research, production of science and technology and culture and its transformation into public education.
· Completing the country's defense cycle and positive interaction with active defense and non-active defense.
· Institutionalizing compliance with the principles and rules of non-active defense in development plans leading to the creation of classification centers.
Reducing the country's set of vulnerabilities and showing the resulting national authority as one of the components of deterrence.
Minimizing the impact of the enemy's military threats on vital, sensitive and important infrastructures.
· Quantitative and qualitative development of the capacity and executive power of non-operating defense in the engineering body of the country (consultation and implementation).


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A review of passive defense in Emad magazine




Happy passive defense week