Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development

With the efforts of Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company, holding an educational workshop "Interpretation of Laboratory Sheets of Road Paving Operations" at the 16th National Conference and Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt and Machinery

2024-10-30 13:43:44 | ID : 3836 | Visit : 287

With the efforts of Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company, holding an educational workshop "Interpretation of Laboratory Sheets of Road Paving Operations" at the 16th National Conference and Exhibition of Bitumen, Asphalt and Machinery
Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company, in line with its educational goals to improve the technical knowledge of the country's construction workers, engineers, employers and contractors and in line with spiritual and scientific support, organized a specialized scientific training workshop on the topic of "Interpretation of laboratory sheets of road paving operations". (Earth layers and asphalt) on the third day of holding the 16th national conference and exhibition of bitumen, asphalt and machinery.

According to the public relations report of the Soil Technical and Mechanical Laboratory Company, this training workshop is for the invitees and registrants of the said workshop Through the conference secretariat, it will be held on Thursday, November 9 from 8:30 to 11 at the venue of the 16th national conference and exhibition of bitumen, asphalt and machinery at the Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Center, and the instructors of this course are Mr. Majidreza Nasrabadi And Alireza will be Alirezaei.

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