Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development

At the same time as World Standard Day, it was announced that 106 titles of national standards were compiled in the Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company

2024-12-23 10:56:05 | ID : 3819 | Visit : 198

At the same time as World Standard Day, it was announced that 106 titles of national standards were compiled in the Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company
The Director General of Scientific Research and Research Office of Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company stated: Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company as a knowledge-based, technological and people-based company and as the trustee of the government and the powerful arm of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in improving the quality of construction projects in In line with its social responsibility in cooperation with the National Standards Organization, it has presented 106 standard titles to the country's technical and executive system.

According to the public relations report of Technical Laboratory and Soil Mechanics Company, Elham Zamanifar, Director General of the Educational and Research Systems Office of Technical Laboratory Company And soil mechanics congratulated all the workers and activists in the field of standards, especially the colleagues of Technical Laboratory and Soil Mechanics across the country, saying: so far, more than 106 national standard titles in the fields of bitumen and asphalt, cement and concrete, mechanics Khak wa Sang was compiled with an emphasis on recognizing the needs of the technical and engineering community and this company strives to increase awareness, better understanding of the importance of the standard system and standardization of services and processes, and we hope that with the national agreement; Let's build a stronger and safer Iran for future generations.

Zamanifar continued: Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory Company plays an important role in improving quality, reducing costs and increasing the length of time in line with sustainable development and improving the quality of products and services in the country by conforming all services to the highest and most up-to-date national and international standards. useful life of the country's construction projects.

He added: This company has taken effective steps in the direction of standardization, people's participation, jump in production and economic development by making use of expert and efficient human capital in order to fulfill legal duties and strengthen and develop the standard system by compiling the national standards of Iran.

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