Quality, the key to sustainable development

Quality, the key to sustainable development

The message of the CEO of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory on the occasion of World Standard Day-2024

2024-10-14 10:49:35 | ID : 3818 | Visit : 221

The message of the CEO of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory on the occasion of World Standard Day-2024
The message of the CEO of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory on the occasion of World Standard Day-2024

The CEO of the Soil Technical and Mechanical Laboratory Company, congratulating the International Standard Day to the large Standard family, said: by guaranteeing quality, sustainable development can be achieved, and the all-round development and well-being of the people of our country is shaped by the standard, and by observing this, it is important that It is possible to take effective steps for the improvement and development of the country and customer orientation.

Majid Kianpour, Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Soil Technical and Mechanical Laboratory Company, issued a message as follows on the occasion of World Standards Day:

Achieving the goals of sustainable development in order to improve the quality of providing services, products and people's well-being is a call that requires the collective effort of the elite young generation, technical experts and a strong combination of wise knowledge and enthusiasm.

Standardization paves the way for this task and as a practical solution, it helps to promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and strengthen innovation. Standards are the main pillar of global progress. They ensure interoperability, security and stability, fostering global cooperation to accelerate innovation.

$ {8} Soil Technical and Mechanical Laboratory Company in line with sustainable development and improving the quality of products and services in the country by conforming all services to the highest and latest national and international standards plays an important role in improving the quality, reducing costs and increasing the useful life of construction projects. The country plays This company has taken effective steps in the direction of standardization, popular participation, production leap and economic development by making use of expert and efficient human capital in order to fulfill legal duties and strengthen and develop the standard system by compiling the national standards of Iran. In this regard, so far, it has compiled more than 106 national standards in the fields of bitumen and asphalt, cement and concrete, soil and rock mechanics with an emphasis on recognizing the needs of the technical and engineering community. This company continues to increase awareness, better understanding of the importance of the standard system and standardization of services and processes.

While observing October 23rd International Standards Day and the beginning of Standards Week, we congratulate all the stakeholders, experts and efforts in the field of quality and standardization and we hope that with the national agreement; Let's build a stronger and safer Iran for future generations.

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