Introducing the director and assistants of Qom

2025-02-23 11:24:10 | ID : 343 | Visit : 3526

Introducing the director and assistants of Qom






Majid Reza Nasrabadi  

 the manager















Technical assistant 


Mohammad Reza Rajabpour


Direct contact number: 025-36641563


Head of the Qom branch

Mohammad Sadegh Jahani


Direct contact number: 025-36643039 extension: 21

Expert in providing technical works of concrete and asphalt sampling and daily soil density and providing technical reports



Material resistance expert


Said Ali Hosseini


Direct contact number: 025-36643036 extension: 26

Expert in providing concrete and asphalt mixing plan and quality control of construction materials (tension of rebar + bending and opening of rebar, brick, mosaic, concrete table, etc.)



Soil mechanics expert




Direct contact number: 025-36641563 extension: 17

An expert in providing tests of direct cutting, reinforcement and triaxial soil



Geotechnical expert


Seyyed Ali Khodashana


Direct contact number: 025-36643036 extension: 26

Expert in providing geotechnical reports and soil mechanics studies and project excavations



Contracts expert


Hasan Wafa


Direct contact number: 025-36641564 extension: 20

Expert in concluding contracts and registering and creating customers and providing final reports to customers

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