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Quality, the key to sustainable development

Futsal team championship of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory in the Mubarak

2023-02-13 14:12:31 | News | ID : 3178 | Visit : 838

Futsal team championship of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory in the Mubarak
Futsal team championship of Soil Technical and Mechanics Laboratory in the Mubarak

According to the public relations report of the Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company, the futsal team of Basij Basij of Shahid Ebrahimi Base of the Soil Mechanics and Technical Laboratory Company was successful among the teams of the organizations and companies affiliated to the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development in the competition commemorating the 44th anniversary of the glorious victory of the Islamic Revolution. win the championship

    • 1 year ago
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    سلام جهت اطلاعات بیشتر به کجا مراجعه نمایم
    • 1 year ago
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    با سلام ضمن تشکر از بازدید شما، خواهشمند است از طریق وب سایت و شماره تماسهای همین صفحه با ما در ارتباط باشید.

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