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2025-01-21 17:04:02 | ID : 1103 | Visit : 1148
در مورخه 97/9/14 و با حضور مديريت محترم آزمايشگاه استان لرستان جناب آقاي مهندس رستمي و همکاران ستادي ، از فعالان بسيج پايگاه مقاومت شهيد دادمان آزمايشگاه استان با اهدا لوح سپاس ، تقدير بعمل آمد
An interactive meeting between the director of the Lorestan province laboratory and the deputy of program and budget coordination of the Lorestan province management and planning organization2025-01-09 09:14:49
Educational briefing meeting of the members of the Council for Prosperity and Prohibition of Prohibition of Lorestan Laboratory2025-01-09 08:47:16
Ceremony of celebration of duty and honoring of women on the occasion of the birth of Hazrat Fatima Zahra (PBUH)2024-12-23 11:19:54
An interactive meeting of the laboratory director of Lorestan province was held with the general director of highways and road transport of Lorestan province2024-11-19 13:32:59
An interactive meeting between the director of the laboratory of Lorestan province and the general director of the Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation of Lorestan province was held2024-10-20 10:27:44